Worx Safety

Risks of not knowing Subcontractor Qualifications

Risks of not knowing Subcontractor Qualifications

If you engage subcontractors, it is your responsibility to ensure that they are licensed, qualified and competent to perform the work you require. It is a common situation to think that they need to manage their own safety, but this is not how SafeWork NSW see this situation if you are the person conducting the business or undertaking (PCBU).

In just one recent example, an electrical contractor assigned some electrical work to a subcontractor without understanding their qualifications. The subcontractors did not have safe systems of work in place, and failed to isolate the equipment properly, leading to an apprentice receiving an electrical shock. This is a serious incident, but it could have been much worse!

The incident was reviewed by the Electrical Licensing Committee and the head contractor was fined for not having a proper system in place.

Full article details here:

This situation is the exact scenario that the Worx System was designed to prevent. Every single contractor or employee that you use must complete your induction and upload all their qualifications before any work can start. You can then review any shortcomings and address them.

All of these licenses are also monitored by the system and you will be alerted when they are about to expire, along with the subcontractor.

A system like this is actually a requirement under the WHS Regulations, but many companies still do not have this in place.

What is the real risk of not having such a system? Much worse than a possible fine.